End silo bridging. Save a life.
Anderson Engineering has built and patented a device that will end the need to put workers in a
silo. Bridging, rat holing, voids and other flow problems will be quickly eliminated with the
Anderson Engineering TSS2.
An estimated 62% of documented grain entrapments result in death.
How the TSS2 Works:
Step 1
The TSS2 is lowered from the top of the silo, burying itself in the material with the high torque air drive turning its augur.
Step 2
Upon reaching the bridge, the operator starts the powerful vibrator and free the bound material from the inside.
Step 3
Once the bridge or other obstruction is destroyed, the operator will reverse the augur and lift the TSS2 out of the silo.
See the TSS2 in action:
Complete stainless steel design
Quick deployment
Simple controls
Inexpensive operation
Eliminates need for personnel to enter silo
Eliminates need for personnel to enter silo
Free upgrades for two years
One-time set-up and training cost
Michael L. Anderson, P.E.
264 Sherwood Downs N.
Newark, Ohio 43055
Tel: 740-364-0151
Email: mlandersonpe@gmail.com